Chicken Soup for the Soul

Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

At a Glance
A heartwarming nineties anthology of 101 stories, the first in an impressive series that will bring a smile to your face. Highly recommended instead of watching the news…

April 25, 2021

First of all, whilst this book is super famous (as is it’s resulting series), it is a bit dated now - published in 1993. It’s also written from a Christian perspective, and definitely leans towards celebrating stories by/about church-going folk of this faith. All that being said, I think this book really is for everyone. It’s a collection of 101 stories, ranging from teachers to millionaires, detailing the very best of humanity. At least 10% of them made me tear up. It was also quite nostalgic to read first hand experiences before the age of the internet and the many challenges it brought. It’s tonic for a bad day - it’s chicken soup for the soul!

Split into seven sections based on general themes, you could open the book at random and I guarantee the story you land on will make you feel good. One of my favourites includes a teachers tale - she asked her maths class to write down something they liked about every member of the class, and the teacher wrote up the answers and handed everyone their feedback. The students grew up, and one of them went to fight in Vietnam, where he was sadly killed. At his funeral, his parents approached the teacher and handed her the list, crumpled and torn - he’d kept it with him even in battle. His class mates came forward and shyly revealed that they too had kept their lists close after all these years, a talisman list of self-worth they continued to carry and treasure decades later. Other stories include a woman who moved mountains in just days to get 219 children adopted from north Vietnam when the war ended; stories about falling in love, learning, forging a path, working hard and working smart, believing the best in people and being proven right.

People who say it cannot be done should get out of the way of people who are doing it.

Since it’s publication, Chicken Soup for the Soul branched out - combining storytelling with making the world a better place. They tell all kinds of stories for all kinds of people, with the proceeds being shared with non-profits too. They now have over 250 books in the series, as well as movies, TV, positive journalism, podcasts and pet food! I’m not sure I’ll around to reading all of them - but I’d definitely encourage you to read at least one!